Grow Taller Tips - When You're Sick of Being Short
>> Friday, September 18, 2009
If you're still at puberty, fear not - there are tons of opportunities still. But as you're most likely done with puberty, it gets a little trickier. But as you should already know, I wouldn't write this if growing taller at your age was impossible, would I?
When we get into puberty, growth plates at the ends of the longer bones lengthen gradually. This is a small part of why most people grow quickly during puberty.If you're young and want to increase your height, a good diet and exercise can work great.
Eating protein rich food that also has a lot of calcium and calories is crucial for giving your body what it need to grow. When you exercise and in turn increase your muscle mass, your bones also become stronger as they have to support more weight.
If, on the other hand, you're already done with puberty, your options are few. Using special clothes and accessories can make you look taller, if that's all you need. Wearing for example pinstripes makes you look taller, and it also adds a slimming effect.
Also try wearing dark colored suits and other outfits. A thing you have to avoid is using two toned outfits, like a dark shirt with pale pants. You don't want to draw attention to your waist. Also avoid patterns like plaid and polka.
It's also very important to think about your posture, both for the appearance sake and that for your healt. Slouching actually makes you look shorter and results in a series of health problems.Sitting up straight on the other hand - a whole other story.
It makes you look taller as well as it prevents backaches, neck aches and so on. Doing this might not help you grow taller but learning these Grow Taller Tips will help you look taller. And that can be enough for most people.
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